Monday, September 6, 2010

A Dare

I want to write. An outlet to the dynamite eager to explode within. Perhaps dancing would be better though. A more physical release. Or possibly simply listen to music. A personal favorite nonetheless, however, it would seem I've chosen to write. I could quite possibly be listening to music right now as well; but you'll never know that will you? Muahaha! Now I feel as though I have some power over you, my reader. Probably just sleep deprivation. It happens to the best of us.

Let's talk about God now. He's so freakin' cool. Man. When I grow up I want to be just like him. He's taught me so much this past summer. A lot about beauty, humility, love, fear, and how to be in awe of Him. It's been such a ride. Basically, beauty has been the theme. Not my beauty though, His beauty. It's so much better. It's all because He loves us too. So good. Amazing. Wonderful. *sigh* That is why I want to write, dance, and listen to music. Probably scream too. I feel like using an exclamation point in this paragraph would deprive Him of His epicness. I want to punch something, He's that cool.

There's one lyric in a song I love, that creates such a beautiful picture of His love for us. It says, "Like a lonely lover, waiting by the ocean, I'll never give up on you".

Imagine that. God, The Almighty, standing by the ocean, He's bigger than the ocean but He still stands there waiting for us to re-navigate our direction towards Him. I am kind of giving up on the words because He's too great for them. I am at a loss I guess. It's bittersweet.

I'm tired. I am going to post this at the risk of many errors and probably a hunk of it not making any sense but I am ok with that. For now. I'll fix it later.

To end this blog, I have a challenge. Look at everything, EVERYTHING, in the world, that was made by God Himself, and ask God to reveal to you it's beauty. Everything He's made has beauty beyond us and only He can uncover that to us. So. That's all. Do it. I dare you.

KJ signing out.
Peace. Loves. Ya know.

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