Monday, October 12, 2009

The war within me

Argh. I hate being sick. Boring, boring, boring, and there goes my nose again. Eewww....disgusting.

Anyways, since I have the uneventful opportunity to stay home from school, completely and utterly bored with a cold, I thought I'd share with you some random facts and one irony involving colds.

  1. The common cold is a viral disease which infects the lining within your nose. It typically only takes about 1 week to recover, therefore making it a pretty minor condition. The common cold is easily spread through germs that an already infected person has breathed into the air.
  2. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.
    If you try to suppress a sneeze,
    you can rupture a blood vessel
    in your head or neck and die.
    If you keep your eyes open by force,
    they can pop out....(In any event I don't think I shall be attempting the latter)
  3. Most sore throats are caused by viruses. Many occur at the beginning of a cold, when runny noses drain down the back of the throat and irritate it.(gross)
  4. Look at a cough in three steps.

    • First, you close your throat. It's the same way you hold your breath to swim underwater. Your vocal cords are forced together hard enough to be airtight. Nothing can get in and nothing -- not even air -- can get out.

    • Second, you push. Using the same muscles in your chest that you use to blow out birthday candles, you push against your closed throat. Nothing is coming out, yet, but it will.

    • Finally, you let loose. Once you've built up a little pressure behind those vocal cords, just open them up. Voila! A cough is born.

    That rush of air comes out as fast as 64 miles per hour, sending mucous, particles and droplets zooming out more than 6 feet in front of you. If those droplets contain bacteria or viruses, it means you could infect other folks -- a great reason to cover that cough.(fascinating)

    Now for that random bit o' irony! There is a song by Skillet called, "Fight Inside". Last time I was sick I was listening to it when I realized the lyrics very well could be talking about being sick. So whenever I'm sick now I love to listen to it repeatedly. It provides more amusement then laying on the couch all day. Imagine being sick, there is a fight going on inside your body. This is that fight.

    And it finds me
    The fight inside is coarsing through my veins
    And it's raging
    The fight inside is breaking me again

    It's still the same, pursuing pain
    Isn't worth the lie I've gained
    We both know how it will end
    But I do it again

    And it finds me
    The fight inside is coarsing through my veins
    And it's raging
    The fight inside is hurting me again
    And it finds me
    The war within me pulls me under
    And without you
    The fight inside is breaking me again

    And it finds me
    The war within me pulls me under
    And without you
    The fight inside is breaking me again

    Those are just the highlights of the song that amuse me. Well thanks for allowing me to prolong my time being bored! Hope you enjoyed that. Unlikely but I still wish it upon you!

    Till next time my few fans.


Anonymous said...

Kerry, "Fight Inside" is by Red not Skillet

Kerry Laube said...

This is why I should not attempt to function while sick.

Anonymous said...

iz all good. fyi I like the ninja part

Kerry Laube said...

what ninja part?

Anonymous said...

info point number 2

Kerry Laube said...

lol, thanks?? It totally messed it up. I had no idea that website was a ninja.;)