Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is No One Watching?

I'm sure you've all heard the popular quote: Dance as if no one is watching, Love as though you've never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as if Heaven is on Earth.- William Purkey

Mainly, people find it encouraging and a challenge to them to live life to it's fullest, however, for whatever reason, it just never sat right with me. Something was missing and I couldn't figure it out.

The few weeks ago I was riding in a car with my family, doing what I always do in a car, pondering. The subject for that particular car ride was dancing. Thinking about all the truths I knew about dance, how they related to the Bible, how much deeper could I dive spiritually through dance and dancing alone. As I thought about various times I've danced while no one was watching, it dawned on me what was missing from the quote. God was missing.

Not once in my life have I ever danced while no one was watching and suddenly the thought of doing so just didn't sound so amazing anymore. Imagine if you were dancing in a room all by yourself, no people-not even God, was there to observe. What kind of joy would you experience? Dance is a gift but who would you be sharing it with? Yourself.

I don't mean to diss William Purkey, he was really onto something when he said those words and he's helped me dive deeper, obviously, beyond the quote.

I got to thinking, what if God was in Purkey's words? I think it would sound a bit like this...

"Dance knowing God is watching, Love knowing God will heal the hurt, Sing knowing God is listening, Live knowing God as the great I Am."